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Homebuyer's Guide: Common Mortgage Blunders

Many homebuyers assume that the only challenge they need to overcome when buying a house is choosing from the number of options available in the market. They fail to take the time to learn about the home buying process, especially the mortgage process. Applying for a mortgage is one of the trickiest and most challenging phases of home buying. Due to the homebuyers' lack of information about the mortgage application process, they commit costly mistakes. Mortgage blunders costs billions of dollars every year. If you are in the market for a new house, you first need to be informed about the most common mistakes that house hunters commit. Failing To Prepare Their Finances Failing to prepare your finances can lead to a very costly mortgage blunder. With that said, the first thing you must do before checking out the available properties is to know your current financial status. You have to make sure that your finances are good. Here are a few tips to help you get your finances in order.
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